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Hasani Brissett

Vice-President, MedEx Business Development
Yuri is one of the few investment professionals that continuosly thinks outside the box. He strives to employ the best practices and strategies that will enable his clients' to have a great Capital Markets experience. Yuri has a remarkable trait of explaining complex investment solutions so that the average investor can comprehend and capitalise on the opportunity.

John Graham

Managing Director, Arrow Capital Management.
Yuri has always displayed a natural curiosity and keen understanding of financial markets. He has devised unique investment strategies for his clients through careful analysis and shies away from following the herd.

John Neville

Hockey Coach and IBM Executive, (Ret.)
Yuri has demonstrated not only an in depth knowledge of investment strategy but has translated that into solid and consistent performance. He is thorough in his analysis and has an excellent way of translating that to his client in a manner that is easy to understand. i would not hesitate to recommend Yuri to anyone looking for a professional financial advisor.

The Science
Of Getting Noticed.


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Understanding your options is an. Let agents help guide. From that point of the connection.

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